Should Youth Basketball Practices be Fun?

My friend Sefu Bernard posted the link to this video on his twitter feed. Enjoy
How does the video relate to basketball practice? 
If making it fun to walk up the stairs encourages more people to walk up the stairs, can a coach change his players' behavior through fun drills as opposed to yelling or running?
Basically, do drills need to be fun?
When players do not pay attention at practice, or when a coach believes that the players are not playing hard, coaches tend to yell or make the players run. Why?
Running does not motivate the players to play harder or pay attention. If anything, this behavior creates an antagonistic relationship between coach and player. Instead, a coach wants to create an environment where the coach and players work together to meet similar goals.
When I see players losing focus, I change the drill. I want to end a drill at its peak, before the effort, intensity, execution and interest start to wane.
I also try to keep drills fresh so players feel like they are constantly learning something new. For instance, rather than doing zigzag defensive slides, I use a drill called "Mirror Defense." Rather than do straight-line ball handling drills, I play tag. My goals are the same, but the drills are more active, competitive and fun.
By Brian McCormickDirector of Coaching, Playmakers  League.

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