Hard2Guard Player Development Newsletter, Vol. 4 Links
Issue 2
Issue 3
Woodward focuses on 'extra 1%' with enlistment of vision expert from World Cup staff
Tyreke Evans' Euro-StepTyreke Evans' Stride-Stop
Issue 4
Long-term Athlete Development: Trainability in childhood and adolescence, windows of opportunity, optimal trainabilityFinishing what he starts - Brooks gets tricky to score around much bigger players
Issue 5
How nerves affect soccer penalty kicks
Issue 6
No More Drills, Feedback or Technical Training...Steve Nash vs. the regular ol' layupThe Art of a Beautiful Game: The Thinking Fan's Tour of the NBA (Sports Illustrated)
Issue 7
Self-Monitoring, Human Nature, and Sustained Learning
Issue 8
Issue 9
The two faces of perfectionismHip MobilitySquat Progression
Issue 10
Ice Skater DrillCurry's imaginative finishers grabbing attentionThe Rondo
Issue 11
Arsene Wenger: 'Am I too intelligent to be a football manager? You can never be intelligent enough'
Issue 12
Issue 13
Stability, Sport, and Performance Movement: Great Technique Without InjuryHare Brain, Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence Increases When You Think Less
Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and Coaches put Theory into Practice
Issue 14
The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance
Issue 18
Secrets of Soviet Sports Fitness and TrainingBreak the IceDon't Ice That Ankle Sprain-with 43 min DVD (Sprain- The F.A.S.T. Approach to Preventing and Treating Sprained Ankles, volume 1)
Issue 19
Performance Assessment for Field Sports
Issue 20
How to Shoot a FloaterStephen Curry's The RondoRajon Rondo's Euro-Step
Issue 21
Harvard Tennis and the High SetValgus, varus or neutral knees?
Issue 22
Rear-Foot Elevated Split SquatValgus OverloadExercise Bands
Issue 24
Coconut WaterSeven Behaviors of Successful AthletesSports GenesNideffer
Issue 25
Mike Roll and Leg StrengthHow to Train like a World Cup PlayerMirror Drill
Issue 26
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Issue 30
Reading the Play in Team Sports
Issue 31
Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of WorkVitamin Water
Issue 32
Myth of Core StabilityEnergy Drinks
Issue 33
Team USA articleBlitz BasketballOrganized Streetball
Issue 34
Suzanne FarrellLand on your ties, save your kneesUCD study
Issue 35
Free Throw Shooting TechniqueEfficiency and the Mid-Range Shot
Issue 37
Sports Personality Position TheoryA Multidimensional Approach to Skilled Perception and Performance in SportIdentification of non-specific tactical tasks in invasion games
Issue 38
Russell WestbrookCrossover StepDefensive Footwork Drills
Issue 39
Anticipation in a real-world task
Issue 40
Benefits of weight lifting for kids
Issue 41
Inside the brain of an elite athlete