Coaching or Training?

Vern Gambetta has a post titled “Are you coaching them or training them?” Gambetta wrote:

Those who are training the athletes are counting reps, looking at the stopwatch and shouting out times. Those who are coaching are closely observing the athlete, commenting on technique, encouraging and correcting. You can teach a anyone to yell out times or to spot to someone, it is much harder to coach, you have to be fully involved have a plan, see the big picture, understand the context of the exercise or the drill and the training sessions.

Most basketball trainers fit Gambetta’s definition of trainers: they set up a drill and call out repetitions. This goes for those working with kids as well as those working with pros. There is often very little coaching involved with specialty trainers.

Those that are trainers, not coaches are looking for the magic bullet, the secret workout, the short cut to the championship. Coaches understand that there are not any shortcuts and secrets. Coaching is just hard, planned and directed work that accumulates over time to produce the desired performance. Building athletes and teams is an incredible long term commitment that demands total focus and concentration.

By Brian McCormick, PhDCoach/Clinician, Brian McCormick BasketballAuthor, Cross Over: The New Model of Youth Basketball DevelopmentDirector of Coaching, Playmakers Basketball Development League


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