Coaching is just Running Plays, Right?

On, I saw this post from a Southern California coaching association:

SCIBCA Fall Coaches Symposium9:45-10:00am Presentation from Officials Association on New Rules10:00-10:15am CIF Power Point explaining Playoff Divisional Structure10:20-10:45am Break Out Session #1: Man Offense, Set Plays, Out of Bounds10:50-11:15am Break Out Session #2: Zone Offense, Set Plays, Out of Bounds11:20-11:45am Break Out Session #3: Press, Press Break, Special Situations11:45-12:30pm Coaches' Social & Lunch

This reminds me of an old post by John Harmatuk, a high school coach in Houston. Coach Tuk said that he told another coach that he did not run any set plays. The other coach turned to Coach Tuk and asked, "What do you do in practice if you're not practicing your plays?"


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